LAW OFFICE OF ROBIN CARRYou probably clicked here thinking my web designer misnamed the tab. Most business web sites have an “About Us” page. I will tell you a bit about who I am but the tab is properly named because my law practice is ABOUT YOU!
My name is ROBIN CARR. I serve my Community as an immigration attorney. I also am committed as a HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATE for all people - regardless of: race, creed, color, nationality, age, gender, sexual identity, health, or economic status. WHY? Because that's how I learned to see the World. As a child blessed by kindness and opportunities, I eventually came to realize that not everyone was as fortunate as me. And as that gap of international inequality has burgeoned into a suffering of souls far and wide I have given myself to this work of facilitating the human connections that ought to bind us all. In Solidarity with Humanity, ATTORNEY ROBIN CARR Let me know how I can help YOU. |
7760 France Ave S., Ste 1100
Minneapolis, MN 55435 I also share an office, and collaborate on immigration cases, with Abdulwahid Osman. Together, we have more than 25 years experience handling immigration matters.
2929 Chicago Ave, Ste 110 Minneapolis, MN 55407 Tel: 612-501-7384 CONTACT ABDULWAHID |